Social Responsibility

Mart 2020

tada! also gave support to "We are self-sufficient my Turkey" National Solidarity Campaign.

In order to support the needy initiated under the leadership of Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan 'We're Enough us My Turkey's National Solidarity Campaign tada! also gave support. Taking action for our citizens who are in economically difficult conditions due to the virus! His family delivered 5,000 food packages to the needy through the Yozgat Governorate.

Since the day it was founded, ta!da! Has been serving in the food industry in conscious, meticulous, health conditions! The family continues to bring you healthy, practical ready meals by maximizing all kinds of security measures under the conditions of the Covid-19 pandemic.

Şubat 2020

tada! Family Supports Those in Need

tada! One of the issues that the family prioritizes as an institution is to contribute to the solution of the food problem of the people living in the region. tada! Together with the Give A Hand community, they delivered food parcels to Syrian families living in Sarıyer, Istanbul. ta!da! family; It will continue to help people in need and benefit society by taking part in social responsibility projects.

June 2017

tada! Sandwich Aid

tada! sandwiches sent to our school by UNIFO and were distributed to our students

March 2017

tada! Clothing Aid

We received t-shirts and sandwiches sent to our school by UNIFO and prepared the packs to be distributed as gifts to children on the day when their report cards are given.